Sunday, June 18, 2017

With my Fellow Reality Show friends helping "GIVE KIDS THE WORLD" Charity in Orlando, FLA

You can click on the following link to hear @JeffProbst, the Emmy Winning Host the @CBS #RealityShow that I was on, describing me as the "listener and nurturer" of my tribe during my participation on Survivor Fiji. (RitaVerreos: CBS SURVIVOR Fiji Highlights) Those who know me personas know that I am, indeed, very much a people person. As such, I played the game with a different kind of Survivor strength, the one that helped me stay true to myself and my valúes of integrity and kindness. I'm very happy that this came through as I began to receive invitations to help #charities, #organizations & #foundations across the US.   In this past year, I was Blessed to have gotten invite to participante in the "HEARTS OF REALITY"  fundraiser to benefit "GIVE KIDS THE WORLD"  through a series of events which included a "Pirate Theme" dinner and a 8 hr. long #MeetandGreetBelow are some highlights of my participation in the recent event in Orlando! Here I am with the Founder of "Give Kids The World," Mr. Michael Nuñez

Over 100 of us were at the "Pirate Theme" dinner! 

I brought my daughter as I'm trying to teach her to be a caring and involved  person
Here I am with several of my CBS SURVIVOR fellow "Castaways" from various seasons- Sandra Diaz-Twine,  Boston Rob, Courtney Yates and Todd Herzog and bottom left, speaking of family-a mother/son AMAZING RACE Team-Shari & Cole LBrant

MORE imporantly, the reason we were there...the sweet kids of "GIVE KIDS THE WORLD!"

and the next day at the "Meet & Greet," you can see the wonderful large crowd that came out!  Took about 8 hrs to meet everyone😍😍

I'm grateful to have fans of ALL ages! Yay!

& here's my most Huggable fan, Jason Rasmussen!
With one of my sweetes fans, Julie Bentz

The last night we said "hasta pronto!"  going back to the 80's... in case it wasn't obvious-LOL

 I'm happy to share that with our participation in the above weekend of events,  my fellow Reality Show friends and I helped raise OVER $135K for GIVE KIDS THE WORLD🙏

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